Omni Law, P.C., our
New York City breach of contract attorneys represent individuals and companies accused of not holding up their end of an agreement and those pursuing suppliers, partners, or other parties for the same.
We fully understand that no matter which side of the dispute you are on, the consequences can be far-reaching.
For our New York clients, one of the primary consequences of breaching a contract is the obligation to pay or recover direct losses, consequential damages, and sometimes punitive damages intended to cover their losses.
Worse, allegations of breaching a contract may lead to the termination of ongoing business relationships as the parties sever ties due to losing trust and confidence, as well as reputational loss.
At Omni Law P.C., our breach of contract lawyers know that, unfortunately, anyone can find themselves on either side of this dispute, which makes focusing on business operations a difficult task.
Whether you are an individual or a business, having a legal professional on your side can help you navigate the complexities of contract law and seek appropriate remedies for a contractual breach. Each breach of contract scenario in New York is unique. Whether you are responding to accusations of failing to uphold your end of the agreement or are pursuing another party for their shortfall, we can help.
Contact our New York breach of contract attorneys today to learn more.
New York City Breach of Contract Attorneys Representing Your Business Interests
Our skilled New York City breach of contract attorneys must prove multiple legal elements when pursuing legal remedies from the offending party or disprove their existence when defending our clients from these allegations.
They include:
- Confirming a contract existed between the disputing parties.
- Affirming one or more parties fulfilled their obligations while the other(s) did not.
- Proving one of the parties suffered damages from the breach.
While the legal factors seem simple, they require more than one person to confirm they are true.
Contracts clearly define each party’s rights, responsibilities, and obligations and set the standards for performance and quality while specifying the agreed-upon payment terms and other details.