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Copyright Law: What Every Content Creator Should Know

by Omni-law
Aug 18, 2023
copyright law

As content creators, you want to protect your creative works, and copyright law is designed to do that. So, whether you are a writer, photographer, artist, or digital creator, understanding copyright law is essential to safeguarding your intellectual property rights. As our copyright lawyer can explain, the law itself is not complex, but it is layered and requires strict adherence, or else you put your creations at risk. 

This guide is a basic overview of what every content creator needs to know to have a solid working understanding of copyright law. 

What is Copyright?

Copyright grants exclusive rights to creators over their original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. It protects a wide range of creative works, including: 

  • Literary works or digital written content (e.g., novels or blogs)
  • Pictorial, graphics, or sculptural works (e.g., photographs, paintings, drawings, graphics, maps, sculptures)
  • Music (musical notes and lyrics)
  • Films, TV, and audiovisual works (e.g., video games or slide shows)
  • Sound recordings (e.g., podcasts or recorded speeches)
  • Pantomime and choreographic work
  • Architectural works

Copyright automatically applies once a work is fixed in a tangible form, such as writing it down or saving it on a computer. 

Copyright Ownership and Rights

As the creator of an original work, you automatically own the copyright to that work. This means you have the exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, display, perform, and create derivative works based on your original creation. These rights allow you to control how your work is used and monetized.

You should, however, take certain precautions in case the day comes when you have to prove you own the copyright to your work. Maintain detailed records of your creative process, including drafts, revisions, and publication dates. Use copyright notices (e.g., © [Year] [Your Name]) on your work to indicate your claim to copyright. Additionally, consider watermarking your digital content and using digital rights management tools to deter unauthorized use.

Copyright Infringement

Though you automatically own the copyright to your work without registering it first, violations of your copyrighted material still occur. Copyright infringement happens when someone uses, copies, or distributes copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder. If you believe your copyright has been infringed, it is important to gather evidence, document the infringement, and consult with our intellectual property attorney to assess your options for enforcing your rights.

Copyright Registration

The best safeguard against copyright infringement is copyright registration. While copyright protection is automatic, registering your copyright with the relevant copyright office provides additional protections and benefits. In the United States, registering your copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office strengthens your legal position in case of infringement. It enables you to pursue legal action and seek statutory damages and attorney’s fees in court.

Limits to Copyright Protections

Recall that to have rights to your original work, it must be fixed in a tangible medium of expression – like a book or movie script. Ideas, concepts, and facts cannot be copyrighted. It is only the expression of the idea, concept, or facts that is protected by copyright. So, the idea of a book is not protected by copyright, but the book, when written, is protected. 

Other things that cannot be copyrighted and to which you do not have copyright protections include things like: 

  • Information commonly known by the public
  • Procedures, processes, or systems
  • Titles
  • Principles
  • Discoveries

Duration of Copyright Protection

Several factors determine the duration of any given copyright protection, but first and foremost, the deciding factor is the date of publication (if published). As a general rule, copyright protection endures for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years – if the original work was created after January 1, 1978. 

Copyright protection lasts longer for any work that is anonymous, accompanied by a pseudonym, or created as work made for hire. In these three situations, the copyright is for a term of 95 years from the year of the first publication or a term of 120 years from the year of its creation, whichever expires first. 

Fair Use of Copyrighted Material

Fair use is an important concept in copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder. Fair use considers factors such as the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount used, and the effect on the market for the original work. However, fair use is a complex and subjective area, so it’s essential to understand its limitations and consult our attorney at Omni Law P.C if uncertain.

Licensing of Copyrighted Material

Licensing is a way for content creators to grant others permission to use their copyrighted works. You can create licenses that specify the terms, limitations, and fees for using your work. Licensing agreements can be beneficial for collaborations, syndication, and monetization opportunities while retaining control over your intellectual property.

Creative Commons Licenses

Creative Commons licenses provide a standardized way for content creators to grant permissions beyond traditional copyright restrictions. Creative Commons licenses allow others to use, distribute, and modify your work under specific conditions, such as attribution or non-commercial use. Understanding Creative Commons licenses can help you navigate the sharing and collaboration landscape effectively.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

The DMCA is a U.S. law that provides a framework for addressing online copyright infringement. It includes provisions for takedown notices, which allow copyright holders to request the removal of infringing content from online platforms. Our copyright attorneys will help you familiarize yourself with the DMCA and explain how it helps protect copyrighted works online.

International Copyright Protection

International copyright protection will not apply in many cases, but it is important to know that copyright laws vary from country to country. Most countries offer copyright protection through international agreements such as the Berne Convention. If your work is distributed globally, it is crucial to understand international copyright laws and consider registering your work in relevant jurisdictions.

One Final Note: Why Understanding Copyright Law is Important 

It is common knowledge that knowledge is power. When you know and understand copyright laws, you place yourself in the best position possible to benefit from your creative, original works and to take action when a violation occurs. In today’s digital age, this matters greatly. With rapid advancements in digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, copyright infringement is more prevalent, harder to detect, and more acceptable by the common population. Know the law. Know your rights. And stay protected.

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